Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Halloween Costume: Mushroom Kingdom Style

What are you doing for Halloween? Going to a Superhero/Supervillain/Supervictim party? Well, you should be.

I decided awhile ago what I was going to do for Halloween, and luckily it works out pretty well with the theme. It's not exactly Super, but it fits well in the latter categories. Super, to me, reminds me of comic book characters. Not that I don't like dressing up as comic book characters, I do. It's just that I've done it a lot in the past; Marvel Girl, Supergirl, Robin, and just recently, Penguin. Sure, I could reuse any if these costumes, but where's the fun in that? I could also do two different costumes, one for the charity party and one for the other party I'm going to the next night, but to be honest, I just don't have time for that or the money to buy a pre-made costume. So one costume it is.

So, if I'm not doing comic books, what else fits the bill? The next best thing; video games, if course.
And not just any video game, but the best one; Super Mario Brothers. Yes, I'm going as one of the gang from the Mushroom Kingdom.

But which one? Can you guess?

It's someone in this picture.

It's probably not who you think it is.

They're royalty.

It involves a lot if orange.

It's not the cowboy princess.

Yes, that's right. I'm going for Halloween as Bowser.

As I said, he's not technically a Supervillain, but he is a pretty kick-ass villain. Although Princess Peach would've made a fantastic Supervictim as a second choice.
I drew up a concept for this costume last year and was torn between that and Kermit. Kermit won out though, but I've been thinking about this costume ever since.

Now, I'm not going to be in a bulky turtle-monster costume. It'll be more stylized, but still recognizable.

So what are you wearing for Halloween?


Here are some of the awesome pictures of my costume!

In case you're wondering, that tall drink of water that I'm clinging to is Adam and he was Jack from Bioshock.

You can see Lovely Kate (who did that wonderful guest post for us) in the background, with her husband. 

Not an overly clear picture, but still one of my favorites!

Thanks to Racquel and Vijay for the pictures!

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