As he swoops down from the dark heights of Gotham City, Batman cuts an impressive and ominous figure that starkly declares "Bad guys, beware." After losing his parents at the hands of a violent mugger, young Bruce Wayne dedicated himself to the cause of protecting the city from the crooks who threaten its safety and peace. With unwavering determination, he patrols the streets and rooftops seeking justice for the wronged, security for the innocent, and retribution for the wicked. In the light of day and in the cold dark of night, he remains ever vigilant, because crime doesn't rest, so neither can Batman.
Cue the music for Batman the Animated series and watch this awesome figure, out of a crooks worse nightmare and this geek girls fantasy, swoop down out of the night and on to your tree! Or in my case swinging from a Christmas ball hanging down from the entrance into my kitchen! (where a lot of criminal activity, like me cooking, takes place!)
My bestest and coolest best friend, Eric bought me this Christmas ornament for my tree. My best friend ROCKS!!!
Get one for your favorite crime fighting friend, or just buy one for yourself! You deserve a little Batman in your life!
You can order this from
Amazon or even head on over to your local
Hallmark. (check out the awesome Star Wars/Star Trek and other Superhero ones while you're there too)